Well it is officially 2012! 2011 was a year of trials, changes and many many blessings. This last couple months the Lord has really been showing me the shortcomings of man including myself. This Holiday season especially. Why is it we are ok to settle with only giving Christ the honor he deserves during this time of year? We make a huge deal out of Christmas and Easter but then it is back to normal? Did Christ not shed His blood to cover our sins every day? Did the beginning and ending of His life not save us from our wretched selves every day? Of course the answer is yes, yet we are satisfied to this limited exaltation. So many New Years resolutions... lose weight, better job, do better in life, etc. How about put Christ in His rightful place of preeminence in our lives? This should be each of our goals, as Christians to honor Him and make Him known, by word and deed.
This holiday season has brought about many opportunities to share the Love of Christ here in Thailand, and we have been so blessed to be a part of that. I think we have had more chances to share from the Word in the last three weeks than in months past. Christmas in Thailand is much different than the Philippines where we spent last Christmas, here Christ is not the reason for the season, Christmas is just a time for family, parties and presents, just like many other parts of the world, this has allowed us to share the message of Christ and the meaning of Christmas with fervor.
The Nelson family Christmas was really good, we had a small get together with the Johansens' and spent the day as a family around the house. The kids where all blessed with bikes from Grandma and a few items of clothing. They are especially excited about the bikes of course.
Enough about Christmas! We are currently separated with three of us, Joey, Jacob, and Myself are with Pastor Eric in Ban Nam Khem, Southern Thailand, serving among our Thai and Burmese brothers and sisters for about a month doing some training, evangelism, and general encouragement. While Sarah, Tyler, and Marissa are back at home with MJ doing the ministry there. Please remember this time in your prayers, for the separation, and the ministry in both places.
Joey just turned 13! I can hardly believe it, my son is a teenager.
Sorry I dont have any photos but will try to get some up soon. I will end this post just wanted to share what the Lord has been doing and also share about our Christmas. God Bless.
Salvation for Thailand
The youth the Lord has entrusted us with
Our time apart
Steadfastness in the Word
The going out of the Gospel
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