Hi all,
Joe and Sarah have sent us yet another update about their trip west. Go west, young man!! (and young woman). As I reported last time, they were heading west to take part in medical missions. The latest news is that they are doing great and the mission is going great! They just started their second day and had about 350 people hear the Gospel and get medical attention. They are expecting more as time goes on. For now, they are mostly doing crowd control. Sarah did the registration while Joe was working the waiting room before people got to the nurse's station.
This is such as AWESOME way to reach people with the Gospel. I am reminded of James 2 where James talks about seeing a brother or sister naked and destitute of daily food. If one says to them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled, and yet they do nothing for them, it's what James calls dead faith. Well, Joe and Sarah and the others there are showing their faith by their works and people will respond to the compassion, grace, mercy, and salvation that Christ has to offer through His people.
Please continue to pray for the Nelsons. There is NOTHING more powerful in all the universe than prayer. James also says that the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. Lift them up in your quiet time with the Lord and also very seriously consider contributing to their work over there. Joe and Sarah and their four kids are living by faith for financial provision and we as the children of God should rise up and meet the needs so that they can focus on what they are called to do there!
In His service,
Mike Larsen