Monday, November 19, 2012


Hey everyone!
We have now been in America for about 6 weeks, catching up, seeking the Lord, and really getting refreshed. We have been blessed to have a house fully furnished, available for us to stay in until January when we return home to Thailand. Last week Sarah and I were blessed with a two day getaway to Cambria, CA, near Hearst Castle. This was a great time of relaxation and some husband and wife time, something we don't get much of with four children.

During our time here we are really seeking the Lord as to how we are to best serve Him in Thailand, with many decisions to make as to what that is. Many things are changing in the ministry in Thailand right now, not only with us but as a whole. It is also a time to rest as we prepare to continue in the work the Lord has before us. Believe me this "rest" is alot of work.

The kids are all being home schooled while we are here and we are also purchasing all the materials needed to sustain us for the next school year. They are also attending the weekly classes that are available here and not available in Thailand through the curriculum that we use. We are all very thankful for this time to be home during the holidays, getting time to visit family and friends that we have missed for the last two years.

This break has a duel purpose, rest., through "resting" we are able to be refreshed and seek the Lord for His guidance. and the second purpose is to gather support. We are here to gather support for us as a family and also for the ministry that we will be participating in. That support comes in many ways but the main two are prayer and financially. In order to gather this support we are making contacts and making speaking engagements with churches.The goal is to get both churches and individuals to commit to pray for us and to donate monthly to the ministry.

As friends, followers,and supporters of this work we ask that if any of you are in the position to set up a speaking engagement to share what the Lord is doing in and through the Nelson family, please do so. Also if you are not committed to support, either prayer or financial, we ask that you would prayerfully consider joining in the work and if you are already a part of this ministry we ask that while we are here in the States you continue that support. Please, please do not forget to pray for us as we are away from home, here in the States. And lastly please continue your financial support as if we were home.
If you have any questions or would like to make contact for any reason we can be reached at

Thank you so much and God Bless